I figured a good place to start would be with my dreams and experiences because in doing that you may better understand where I am coming from. Plus, I have learned over the years that it is important to pay attention to your dreams. Most of my dreams are bird related in one form or another. In paying attention to my dreams things that happened while I was awake began to make more sense.I can't stress enough how important it is to hear the messages that are sent to you through dream time.
As I was walking through the woods I came upon four red tail hawks. Two were off to the left of me up in a big tree and one was located just behind me. The fourth one flew down and landed directly in front of me and began to speak. As he spoke the words he uttered were below him as if I were watching a foreign film (at the time his words were foreign to me).I became afraid of what he was trying to tell me and I turned around and ran from him.
After that dream one day I was up in my room listening to my Douglas Spotted Eagle cd. I always listen to his music when I want to be inspired or write. I had some divination cards I was reading and the question I asked was, " what is the hawk trying to tell me." The answer was simple and true throughout the cards-clinging to old ways was my problem.That day I sat in my room looking out over the yard and trying to quiet the noise in my mind.When over the trees flew a red tail hawk and it came closer and flew directly over my bedroom window, circled and disappeared as quickly as it came. That beautiful bird answered a lot of things for me that day and for that I will always be grateful. It helped me to realize how we are all connected on this journey and that was the evening I was inspired to write A Brothers Love.
One day I was walking over to my sisters house and my folks, sister and I were all out in her yard talking.I was standing by the side of her garage next to her split rail fence. My mom and sister were sitting on a bench talking to one another. I was just standing there watching them when a hawk swooshed down and landed in her purple lilac bush. I had my camera on me and I lifted it to take a picture of the beautiful bird and click my darn camera wouldn't work, I couldn't get it to take a picture. Then the huge magnificent bird flew over and landed effortlessly on my camera and we both fell down to the ground. I was lying there in the sweet smelling grass and laughing and talking to the hawk when I accidentally bumped my camera and hit the zoom lens. When that occurred I got a super close up look at the hawks amazingly detailed face.
A few days after that dream I had a phone call from my sister and she asked if I would mind walking over because there was a huge bird that was on the bell out back of her house.She said it might be a hawk so I grabbed my binoculars and booked out the back door. By the time I ran down the path to her house the bird was gone. I was standing outside talking to her about it and she was describing it to me when we heard a high screeching sound.I told my sister that I was gonna follow it, because I just knew that the bird was calling to me. So, I started out following the screech it took me to the back of her house and then I started to journey out back into the woods. It would screech then stop and I would continue to follow, stopping when the call did only to have start in again and call me closer. I just had to find this bird and yet it was all still a mystery to me. Finally, after climbing over fallen trees, walking through water, pushing my way through pricker bushes and stumbling along the way I reached the big pond. There is run off out behind the pond that is swampy and i ended up on a little piece of land out in the swamp.When I got to the bank I saw something fly and then land. Then something else flew and landed over my head in the tree. I took out my binoculars and looked up and what I saw was the hawk from my dreams in exquisite detail. I stumbled and ran all the way home to grab my notebook, pen, camera, bird book, and my backpack.I went running down the road this time instead of trying to cut through the woods again.I ran up the hill and onto the bank and what I saw were three hawks circling over the pond and letting me know that they knew I was there. Then they flew away leaving me to stand there and try to catch my breath. It was a beautiful experience, because at the time I wanted to get to the pond but something would come up and I was unable to make it that day.The hawks got me to where I needed to be, they had brought me home.
My sister and I were standing at this building when someone walked over and said," something bad had happened to our one brother." We asked the person," how bad is it,"they responded ," he has passed away. "We went walking through the building and found my second brother standing in the middle of the stairs and my folks were at the bottom crying. My sister ran down to them and I stood at the top of the stairs looking at everyone. When I glanced to my left my oldest brother was standing there remember he was the one who had already passed away.We then all ended up sitting in this auditorium in which my oldest brother was sitting next to me. He said." I am sorry that our brother is gone." I looked at him and said, "can anyone else see you?"He looked at me and replied, "no just you." I said, "why is that? " "Because you are the only one that wants to see me right now." I leaned over to hug him and woke up.
The next morning after I woke up, I sat up and was upset and confused, I decided to get up get dressed and go for a walk to calm down.I walked to the pond like I did in the morning, and as soon as I reached my destination I was greeted by the great blue heron. The heron that flew away every other day I had been there stayed that morning and looked on . It flew over to a tree that was directly across from me and landed facing me as if to say, " I am here and unafraid." Between my dream and the heron staying after so long, I dropped to my knees on the ground and began to cry. I had my hands placed on my knees as I was kneeling down, my head was bent down and I was sobbing uncontrollably.I then heard a loud screech, I squinted through the sun that morning and looked up above me to see my hawk circling over head. I began to cry harder yet if you can imagine and said," I'm not alone am I?" At that very moment I uttered those words kingfishers began to fly out of the brush one by one forming a perfect triangle in the trees. What touched me was when they all landed gracefully in the trees they all were facing me as if to say we too are unafraid and want to help you on your journey to truth. I stood up and as I did I turned a circle and looked above me. The heron was directly across from me, the king fishers were next to me and the hawk was circling above singing his love and peace as he flew.
If I may expand just a bit this was a beautiful summer morning. The birds were singing, the trees were resting, the grass was so green and full of life, the flowers were reaching out there petals to me as I passed and the sun was shining in all it's splendor warmly caressing everything it holds sacred.
So, when this happened it was no doubt an initiation for me, I have been through many when it comes to the pond and every time I walk away in awe and even more confident that we all are indeed one on this path of light,life and love.
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