Notebook- check
Pen- check
Bird Book- check
Blanket- check
Binoculars- check
Camera- check
Book on Plants- check
Book on Pond Fish and Insects- check
I continued down my check list as I was preparing for my trip to the pond. Everything was in check so I grabbed my drink and backpack and headed out the door to greet the day. I had only to make one more pit stop and that was to go to my dads machine shop and grab a can of corn. I began taking corn from the beginning to the geese and other critters ,that was my giveaway and thank you to them. I do firmly believe it to be appropriate to offer something back to them they are sharing their sacred space, guidance and strength with me. The least I can do is make an offering and say Thank You. After I filled the can up I was off.
As, I walked down the road that day I glanced up at the clouds that seemed to be smiling down on me and reaching out to encompass me with a hug. I let the sunshine fall upon my face and closed my eyes, at that point I just knew everything would come together in my life.For so long I searched and questioned my existence and on that day I felt I was homeward bound. I had this huge smile on my face and I began to laugh out loud and turned in a circle as I looked at my surroundings.
To make it a bit easier for you to picture- to get to the big pond we walk down a dirt road.It has two big fields on the one side of the road and the other side is just brush and trees. To get to the pond you cross a small clearing which has trees scattered about it.The path that leads you up to the pond goes through the trees.There are two huge trees on either side of the path and to me represent the pathway to heaven. You walk up the small path, cross over the rocks of a little overflow and walk up the hill to be greeted by the pond. My heart skips a beat and my eyes brim with tears as I just think about it.
So, as I walked towards the entrance I saw the trees anxiously waving to me and calling me to enter into the secret haven which they have long sense guarded. AS, i went to pass the one huge tree I looked up at it and placed all of my stuff I was carrying on the ground.I walked over to it and gave it a huge hug and closed my eyes so i could see as the tree did. Your eyes can deceive you but your heart and inner being cannot. The feeling that rushed through me as my arms were around this magnificent life force was the sense of being at one and grounded. You could hear the trees whisper, " have you come to hear our stories?" With everything inside me I wanted to shout, " Yes, I am here." but what I said was, " It is my sincere hope that I will be able to do you all justice and tell others what it is you wish to share." You could hear the tree breath deeply as he replied, " You must keep your mind open and doubt the things that you hear." I said, " how do I know it is you I hear and not just a voice from within.?" Laughing he replied, " Either way what you hear, see and write is meant to be and others should hear it." Thanking the tree I continued on my path. The other trees stood tall and proud as I slowly walked through them. I got to the end of the path where you need to cross over this tiny overflow of water. Trying to gracefully maneuver my way across the stepping stones I began to laugh. How graceful this must look to all of you I ventured to say.If any of you feel a need to laugh at how nicely I just crossed that kindly wait till I am out of earshot. They swayed back and forth as they quietly began to laugh at me. I too began to laugh and it felt great- just to laugh and to feel and know that for once in my life I was accepted.
I walked up the hill and found myself face to face with my new home, my inner home, a place where it didn't matter if I wanted to laugh, scream, cry, dance, talk just to get my feelings out, anything- they were all there and willing to listen.The only thing they asked for in return was the same respect in which they were showing me.
Taking the corn I placed it in three separate places around the bank of the pond, then I walked over and took a see and sat there and waited and watched. At first the blackbirds weren't sure of what to make of me as they screeched and told me off for startling them.The soul mates look at me quickly and then swam off into the swamp gossiping about the newcomer that had appeared to them. I patiently waited for them to come back around, after all our journey was just beginning, and they needed to get to know me and realize that I meant them no harm.The heron wanted absolutely nothing to do with me, it flew away instantly and told me off as it went. After all for years the pond had been quiet. No one had shown themselves except for a quick walk around or to keep it mowed down. I told the heron tell me off all you want but you will soon see that I am here to stay. I sat down and took out my remembrance journal and began to write.I opened myself up to hear things through my heart and observed how everything went together in exquisite detail. I mean each little thing had its proper place and way of working, sure that is common sense but when you really stop and watch it is amazing. I just sat there and watched them for what seemed like hours, then I stood up and held out my arms to the side and turned in a circle three times. I gazed up into the sky and twirled and felt myself become quiet and centered, I do this every time I leave the pond and still do till this day. Three signifies perfection the triangle, and is a very mystical number to me. I turn in a circle because that is what our life is one big never ending cycle, the circle of our existence. Making my circles I smiled inside then went over grabbed my bag and other goodies, said thank you to the Great Spirit and all those present and I'll see you tomorrow.
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