This is what came to one day as I was sitting and writing by the pond. May you search within yourself and hear what is being shared with you.
The God of my heart comes to me on the wings of a bird and speaks to me through the wind in the trees. The voice is ever flowing as it speaks of Truth and Peace.
The Great Spirit speaks to us all through the gentleness of deer,the power of horse,the grace of swan, the meaningful song of the frogs,the sacred spiral dance of the grouse, the strength of hawk and the understanding of the trees.
If you look at each individually you would realize you can't have one without the other. You can't have understanding without gentleness. Meaning without strength. Or a sacred dance without power and grace.Everything is connected in the Circle of Life.
Do you listen to what the Great Spirit says to you?
Mother Earth is crying. What do you the human being intend to do about it?What would you say to the deer if you stoped and looked it in the eyes?
As the mother deer stands with her fawn she looks at you. In her eyes you read fear, hope, gentleness, and understanding.She speaks in a way that only the purest of heart would understand. She begins by saying, " I am afraid, not for myself but for my baby. If you take me how will she survive? I hope you can see that I am not harming you and only wish to understand why you wish to harm me.We are hungry and my baby must eat. As a mother you want to protect your baby. I know what you must do, but please not now.I understand the law of Nature.I will give up life if you will let my baby live. I forgive you. I also understand you have a family that must survive.If you would listen with your heart you would realize that we are the same and that we are all one."
As you move on you hear the stomping of hooves. There before you stands a horse. It's massive form is blocking your path. Every muscle in it's magnificant body is tense.It whinies and bucks and jumps infront of you. It's black coat is almost blue as it shines in the sunlight.It's tail flaps carelessly around and it's mane blows freely in the breeze.It's eyes hold a faraway look that you know well.Then he speaks: "You take to much upon yourself, come run with me.Free yourself from your worries and come to see the inward power you posess.As we gallop along ou will see life as I do.It passes you by so quickly and there is no going back. Will you be pleased with everything you have left behind?It is time for you to take the reins in your own life and gallop into the world of peace and love.Become that and you shall know true power.Do this and you will realize that we are the same and that we are one. "
As you continue on your path you come to a pond.You notice a swan and how it carries itself with such grace and dignity. As you watch it as if in a trance you notice how it holds its neck perfectly with it's head held high and it's eyes level with your own. "Greetings to you, have you come to speak with me? I swim in the water of peace and love. I carry myself with grace and dignity through all that I do. Do you do that in your own life? I see many like yourself who walk around with their eyes glued to the ground.Why is that? How would others view you? Would they say you carry yourself with grace or are you a dis-grace?I speak through love and swim in hope that someday this world will be filled with peace. If you will only listen you will realize that we are the same and that we are one." The swan then swims away leaving you to your own thoughts.
As you begin to walk away you hear the song of the frogs. They sing with such love in their hearts and each song carries such a meaning. Their songs are of light,life,love, and how everything is connected in the circle of life. The frog then surfaces and hops over to greet you, as he lands infront of you he looks you directly in the eyes and says. " Our songs are full of meaning and are about how this earth has come to be. As you look back over your life can you find the meaning? Do you know where you fit my child of light? Go within and listen to our song and you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
You slowly walk away from the pond and continue on your path. "May I have this dance?"Turning around you notice a grouse doing it's sacred sprial dance. It's spirals with ease and it comes up infront of you so it can look you in the eyes. " When I dance, it's in hope that one day we will all learn to listen to one another. With each turn of my dance I pray that more love will be shared around the world. I've been through downward spirals as well as upward spirals. Which are you in at this present moment my child? Either is okay because you are exactly where you need to be. But may I ask you this-will you come to dance with me in harmony? If you do this you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
You continue on and as you do you hear the high pitched screech of the hawk above. The beautiful and magnificent bird soars above you in hopes you'll hear his call. As it comes and lands before you, you notice his strength as he looks deep within your eyes. " You my child keep yourself grounded and don't listen to the message sent to you through the Earth Mother. Why is that? Are you afraid of your own strength? Come soar with me beloved earth dweller and see the beauty of this earth from a higher perspective. If you do this you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
Finally, you come to rest against the willow tree. As you slowly lower yourself down to rest against it, you hear something deep within calling to you. You go within for a while when all at once you hear the words of the willow. " Do you understand what the others have told you?" You look up and it's limbs seem to lower to encompass you- to protect you. As you sit protected under the willow she speaks, "You seem as if you are always on the run. Be still like me and let the wind and life swirl around you. If you will only learn to be grounded and stable you will learn much from the world around you as i do. Silently I stand and watch over the land.Patiently I wait for those who are willing to listen and understand.You my dear friend have come far on your journey and have learned many valuable lessons. You have shared a moment of peace with the deer, a moment of power with the horse, you have glided gracefully through your experiences with the swan, you read the meaning behind the songs of the frog, you shared a sacred spiral dance with brother grouse and came out more willing to listen. Finally, the strength you learned from the hawk got you here to me, where i now believe you are ready to understand your place in this life. Listen to what I have said and you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
You slowly stand up and thank the Great Spirit for showing you a different path. A path of Light,Life,and Love.A place where animals and humans are one.
I ask you to take a moment and reflect on the words just shared above and see what comes to you through the voice of the Great Spirit.
The God of my heart comes to me on the wings of a bird and speaks to me through the wind in the trees. The voice is ever flowing as it speaks of Truth and Peace.
The Great Spirit speaks to us all through the gentleness of deer,the power of horse,the grace of swan, the meaningful song of the frogs,the sacred spiral dance of the grouse, the strength of hawk and the understanding of the trees.
If you look at each individually you would realize you can't have one without the other. You can't have understanding without gentleness. Meaning without strength. Or a sacred dance without power and grace.Everything is connected in the Circle of Life.
Do you listen to what the Great Spirit says to you?
Mother Earth is crying. What do you the human being intend to do about it?What would you say to the deer if you stoped and looked it in the eyes?
As the mother deer stands with her fawn she looks at you. In her eyes you read fear, hope, gentleness, and understanding.She speaks in a way that only the purest of heart would understand. She begins by saying, " I am afraid, not for myself but for my baby. If you take me how will she survive? I hope you can see that I am not harming you and only wish to understand why you wish to harm me.We are hungry and my baby must eat. As a mother you want to protect your baby. I know what you must do, but please not now.I understand the law of Nature.I will give up life if you will let my baby live. I forgive you. I also understand you have a family that must survive.If you would listen with your heart you would realize that we are the same and that we are all one."
As you move on you hear the stomping of hooves. There before you stands a horse. It's massive form is blocking your path. Every muscle in it's magnificant body is tense.It whinies and bucks and jumps infront of you. It's black coat is almost blue as it shines in the sunlight.It's tail flaps carelessly around and it's mane blows freely in the breeze.It's eyes hold a faraway look that you know well.Then he speaks: "You take to much upon yourself, come run with me.Free yourself from your worries and come to see the inward power you posess.As we gallop along ou will see life as I do.It passes you by so quickly and there is no going back. Will you be pleased with everything you have left behind?It is time for you to take the reins in your own life and gallop into the world of peace and love.Become that and you shall know true power.Do this and you will realize that we are the same and that we are one. "
As you continue on your path you come to a pond.You notice a swan and how it carries itself with such grace and dignity. As you watch it as if in a trance you notice how it holds its neck perfectly with it's head held high and it's eyes level with your own. "Greetings to you, have you come to speak with me? I swim in the water of peace and love. I carry myself with grace and dignity through all that I do. Do you do that in your own life? I see many like yourself who walk around with their eyes glued to the ground.Why is that? How would others view you? Would they say you carry yourself with grace or are you a dis-grace?I speak through love and swim in hope that someday this world will be filled with peace. If you will only listen you will realize that we are the same and that we are one." The swan then swims away leaving you to your own thoughts.
As you begin to walk away you hear the song of the frogs. They sing with such love in their hearts and each song carries such a meaning. Their songs are of light,life,love, and how everything is connected in the circle of life. The frog then surfaces and hops over to greet you, as he lands infront of you he looks you directly in the eyes and says. " Our songs are full of meaning and are about how this earth has come to be. As you look back over your life can you find the meaning? Do you know where you fit my child of light? Go within and listen to our song and you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
You slowly walk away from the pond and continue on your path. "May I have this dance?"Turning around you notice a grouse doing it's sacred sprial dance. It's spirals with ease and it comes up infront of you so it can look you in the eyes. " When I dance, it's in hope that one day we will all learn to listen to one another. With each turn of my dance I pray that more love will be shared around the world. I've been through downward spirals as well as upward spirals. Which are you in at this present moment my child? Either is okay because you are exactly where you need to be. But may I ask you this-will you come to dance with me in harmony? If you do this you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
You continue on and as you do you hear the high pitched screech of the hawk above. The beautiful and magnificent bird soars above you in hopes you'll hear his call. As it comes and lands before you, you notice his strength as he looks deep within your eyes. " You my child keep yourself grounded and don't listen to the message sent to you through the Earth Mother. Why is that? Are you afraid of your own strength? Come soar with me beloved earth dweller and see the beauty of this earth from a higher perspective. If you do this you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
Finally, you come to rest against the willow tree. As you slowly lower yourself down to rest against it, you hear something deep within calling to you. You go within for a while when all at once you hear the words of the willow. " Do you understand what the others have told you?" You look up and it's limbs seem to lower to encompass you- to protect you. As you sit protected under the willow she speaks, "You seem as if you are always on the run. Be still like me and let the wind and life swirl around you. If you will only learn to be grounded and stable you will learn much from the world around you as i do. Silently I stand and watch over the land.Patiently I wait for those who are willing to listen and understand.You my dear friend have come far on your journey and have learned many valuable lessons. You have shared a moment of peace with the deer, a moment of power with the horse, you have glided gracefully through your experiences with the swan, you read the meaning behind the songs of the frog, you shared a sacred spiral dance with brother grouse and came out more willing to listen. Finally, the strength you learned from the hawk got you here to me, where i now believe you are ready to understand your place in this life. Listen to what I have said and you will realize that we are the same and that we are one."
You slowly stand up and thank the Great Spirit for showing you a different path. A path of Light,Life,and Love.A place where animals and humans are one.
I ask you to take a moment and reflect on the words just shared above and see what comes to you through the voice of the Great Spirit.
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