As the weeks and months continued to drift past I found a new side of me. I suppose it wasn't a new side of me, but I found the real me, and I was happy and grateful for that. I continued day after day to march up there and show all the critters that I was in no way going to harm them. Sooner or later it would all work out.
Well, hi there , I said to the little birds and they were hungrily watching me place the corn on the ground., " What," I asked, "do you want this?"After what seemed like forever I heard, " if you want us to share with you your going to have to give us time." Well, I replied, " I've given you time and I've already informed you that there is no way that you are going to get rid of me,so what do you think of that?" "Time will tell,"replied the black bird. "Indeed, it will," I tossed over my shoulder as I walked over to place the last bit of corn I had brought onto the ground. "Ahh ha, I will take a picture of you while you are eating," I said to myself, as I watched the little bird snatching up the corn. I stood up and walked over slowly to take the picture of my little friend, when he quickly flew over my head and landed smack dab in the middle of all my stuff I had brought with me that day. Laughing at me he quipped, " your gonna have to be quicker than that now aren't you?" I said, " I'll get you, you know that." "Sure you will he said, over time, you must be patient, and if your lucky."" Hey, I said, I bring you corn everyday." "So, he replied we lived just fine without you before." "Well, your not gonna again, so you might as well get used to the fact." I stood there eyeing up the determined little fella who was standing his ground.
"Your a stubborn one aren't you? I asked. " You are also," he replied. " What can I say birds of a feather flock together." "Okay a sad stab at humor but still...." I made a mental note to myself that the little guy was gonna be difficult to win over, but with hard work and time we could be friends.
I walked over to my stuff and flopped down, as I laid back on the ground I watched the perfect unmoving sky. The puffy white clouds were smiling down on me and held me in a trance I didn't want to come out of. I watched how carelessly the little birds flew over head and found myself laughing as one little one got a bit ahead of himself and almost wound up face to face with a tree.
Ohhhhhh, I sighed to myself as I listened to the soul mates honking to one another in the distance. "What I'm trying to do will take a lot of determination," I mumbled. " You have it replied my dear friend the wind." "Do I really believe that," I asked. "Yes, I do it answered- the time is near when all shall be revealed to you. Be ready- have your heart and eyes open and notebook ready." The wind encircled me with such a sincerity I felt as if I was going to cry. "Thanks for your faith, I whispered. Thanks for yours was my answer." "So, I asked are you going to tell me a story? Indeed-when your ready. I'm ready.Ahh, it replied you Molly are on the path to being ready. Soon my child all shall be revealed...
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